Machines for gym professionals for training the abdomen, waist, lumbar and gluteus muscles.

In this section you can buy a bank for abs o lumbar, a machine to train buttocks, among others.

Online store to buy all your abdominal machines

We bring you our complete section ofabdominal machines for gym. They have different prices and features: low-cost, high-end, for gym, domestic, semi-professional... These are all the ones in the store, regardless of their use or ranges. For specific sections, see domestic-semi-professional and professional.

What will I find in this online sales area?

  • Abdominal banks.
  • Hyperextension benches.
  • Roman chairs.
  • Shrinking machines.
  • Crunching apparatus.
  • Waist and abdominal plate-loading devices.
  • Stations for leg lifts.

Making movementsbasic abdominal exercise machines can help beginners become strong enough to do the exercises they need body weight exercises correctly on your own. To work and sculpt your six pack,the assistance of an abdominal machine can make your trainingof the core a little more challenging and a lot more fun.

A machine to work withyour abdomenis useful for amplifying the workout, so you can continue to strengthen that core effectively through crunches, squats and planks. All these movements are perfect for your core or abdominal workout.

Asometimes it is necessary toturn around thethe routine to maintainmusclesin tension andachieve a hard work of the middle section.The use of abdominal applianceswill help you achieve this.

Benefits of purchasing our abdominal appliances

The abdominal apparatusand the machinesto work abdomen are excellent tools to ensure that the right muscles are exercised to greater effect. They provide a full range of motion and ensure that eachexercise is carried out to its full potential, minimizing the effect of badways. Wearing an abdominal brace is more comfortable than doing thestandard sit-ups on the floor.The devices are easy to use, they are not difficult toinstall andare the preferred option for many users of the gym.

  • Remember, there is no such thing astummy tuck machines reduce fat of the midsection is possible with a proper hypocaloric diet. However, our devices will help you maintain a strong abdomen and improve your posture. Use them and strengthen your core so that, when you remove the fat, you will have fully visible and beautiful abs.
  • For thetummy tuck machines price depends on the range and the function of the device. A plate station is not the same as a plate station for a gym professional than a basic bench for performing crunches at home. The good thing is that you have a wide range of options and prices to choose the right abdominal product for you.
  • Theabdomen working machines have a large benefit, the fact is that with them any core exercise is much easier to do. Whether shrugs, leg lifts, twists, crunches..., you will notice that with the machines it is much easier to do them than with the simple weight of the body. The products are therefore suitable for beginners, initiates, people undergoing rehabilitation, etc.
  • Some models are not only valid for training the abdominal core, but they can also be used to exercise other muscle groups. This is the case of theabdominal and gluteal exercise machines. Here you will see them for sale, cheap and, in addition, of quality. They allow you to save money, as they are devices that offer you several exercises in one.

FAQ: Common questions and answers that every retailer needs to knowabdominal machine leader must solve

Can you usebelly slimming machines to remove belly fat?

To burn belly or belly fat, you have to follow a hypocaloric diet suitable to your complexion, metabolism and weight. You can follow many interesting articles on the DeporTrainer blog where we help you to achieve this. In reality, theabdominal exercise machines serve to strengthen it, and are especially useful when you are starting out, are untrained or have not yet learned to do abdominal exercises well with your weight. Ideally, you should combine exercise and diet. You need to follow a regimen with sufficient protein and nutrients and low in calories. This is the only way to achieve the visual results you expect.

What is the best machine for abs and glutes?

Honestly, there is no single, unchangeable answer. The best machine will depend on the user's preferences and even body morphology. Some people are more comfortable on some machines than others. If we had to choose one of them, we would recommend the station for funds, pull-ups and abdominals. Surely you've seen it in gyms. It consists of supports that keep it standing on the floor and has a high backrest with armrests. This apparatus normally allows you to do at least three exercises in one: it has someparallel barsto do chest pull-ups, a high barbell of pull-ups (which may include different grips) and a padded backrest with armrests. If we place our back against the backrest of the machine, with our forearms resting on the armrests, we can do the abdominal knee raises exercise. It is one of the most effective to work the abdomen with our weight; in addition, by raising the legs, we also work the buttocks. We can even use a ballasted ankle brace to make more strength with the buttocks.

Another really effective device is the hyperextension bench. It is mainly used to work the lower back or lumbar area; however, if you place your hands together behind your back (instead of on your chest) when performing the movement, you will have more impact on the gluteus.

What is the best machine for abs and glutes?We believe these two are among the best. They are also available in professional and home versions.

What about the abdominal machine price?

The prices of tumbling machines depend on the complexity of the device and, of course, on whether the material is for professional or domestic use. You can find home abdominal benches for about 100 to 200 € (domestic material) and fund stations, pull-ups and abs for about 500 € (the ones we have told you about). They would be the cheapest tummy tuck machines.

A professional abdominal bench could cost about 400-500 €. It is because it is built in a strong steel structure to withstand the continued use of people in a gym.

Are these machines useful to reduce waist and abdomen?

We say the same as for the question "are there machines for slimming the abdomen?". The only effective way to reduce your waist and abdomen is to follow a proper diet for that purpose. This diet will have to be prepared by a nutritionist, according to your age, weight, metabolism, food preferences, etc.

A cheap abdominal machines will help you strengthen your core at home. And believe us, they are exercises that are very good for improving posture. But there is no such thing as a machine to reduce the waist and abdomen. For that you have to do a hypocaloric diet and lose fat little by little.

What abdominal exercises can I do to strengthen my abdomen?

You have the shrugs, leg or knee raises, medicine ball exercises, the plank.... There is an infinite number of options. We recommendsee our complete post hereon the abdomen. It is a guide with the best exercises for the abdomen without machines and also with the best exercises for the abdomen without machines apparatus for effortless abdominal exercises. Plus, we discuss what you should do to get rid of body fat around your waist - check it out!

What are the devicesfor abdomen and waist?

The core abdominal muscle is made up of different parts: it includes the well-known "six pack" and the obliques. In order to do a complete core workout, many people also want to buy the waist braces, don't worry, if you were one of them, here you will find the best way to work the obliques:

  • Waist exercise machines.
  • Waist lifters.
  • Devices that allow you to exercise your abdomen and waist (the two parts in one).
  • Medicine balls.

Do you want to know ways to work and strengthen the waist with machines and equipment? Would you like to purchase waist lifters? read on and check out the options!

Simple Waist Twisting Machines

They consist of a rotating disk and a handle for the arms. Normally they do not have weight incorporated (neither discs nor plates). You stand on the disk (standing or sitting, depending on the model of the device) and dowaist twists in a controlled manner in order to strengthen the oblique abdominals. You can use it bodybuilders, the program is available for initiates, initiates, men, women and people of any age in general.

maquina para hacer giros de cintura

Waistband machines with plates

These are usually professional and for the gym. This machine has a rotating seat, on which the person sits. He has to make waist turns but, on this occasion, he will have to overcome the resistance of the weight. The load is chosen from a tower of plates by means of a selector. It is very comfortable. Of course, expect the quality and price of professional equipment designed for intensive use.

Here you have a example of these waist machines:

maquina profesional para hacer giros de cintura

A basic abdominal bench is also a device for abdomen and waist

That's right. This bank will allow you to doing shrugs for the obliques.Stand on it and, when you raise the trunk, make a left or right turn to work your waist. This is another highly recommended option.

banco para hacer cintura

Working the waist and obliques with a medicine ball

This is yet another recommendation. If you have a medicine ball, sit on the floor, grab it with your hands and twist your waist from left to right. You can complicate this exercise by keeping your knees up and your feet off the ground during the execution. You can also use the basic abdominal bench that we have recommended before to do medicine ball twists. It is very effective. You can also use a weights.

balón medicinal para ejercitar la cintura

As you have seen, when it comes to waist braces, you have very interesting options. Some are as basic and inexpensive as the ball, and others are more sophisticated with the professional waist machines. The best thing to do is to take a look at our catalog and decide for yourself what you want to buy waist exercise machines are better for you, as there are prices for all budgets.

We are a online store for buy abdominal, waist, lumbar and gluteus machines. Let's keep watching material.

Catalog of the lumbar machine selected by our experts

Here you will not only find the best abdominal toning apparatus, but we also have the best machines to exercise the lumbar spine. In our lumbar machine store, you will find all the options you need. Here you can buy your lumbar brace at a good price. We offer both domestic and professional options. We have cheap gym lumbar support machines and high-end.

The lower back is one of the most important parts. Why train the lower back?Basically, to compensate for the abdominal work you do. If you only train abdominal exercises, and neglect your lower back, you will cause a muscular imbalance. In addition, aesthetically you will not look very good, because a weak lower back leads to a bulging "belly". For every abdominal exercise you do, you should also do an abdominal exercise lumbar. Strengthening the lower back will also help you avoid future injuries in compound exercises such as deadlift, , bench press, , squats, rowing or military press, among others. A strong lower back is health, so use the lumbar machine to buy and exercise it.

The most effective lumbar machine for gym

The lumbar apparatus most effective is thebank of hyperextensions o roman chair. We will explain the basics of the exercise and the characteristics of the device.

ObjectivesLower back muscles

Equipment required: Lower back extension machine or Roman chair

Level: Beginner

The lumbar traction device or the low back Roman chair are used for an isolation exercise that aims to work on the muscles of the lower back, mainly the spinal erectors. Seeplace the heels locked under a pad or roller;the body is supported on another cushion while theis upside down. This makes it easier to bend at the waist.

The exercise requires you to bend at the waist and a little at the hips, lowering the torso until approximately the top and bottom of the body form a right angle. The lumbar extension is usually performed as a body weight exercise,and is usedonly the upper part of the body for loading. The use of the lower back extension machine is controversial, as poor technique can lead to injury. It can be part of a strengthening program if proper exercise form is used.

Benefits of the lumbar brace

Back extensions are performed when the patient wants to strengthening the lower back. They complement abdominal exercises by providing an inverse or antagonistic movement of the abdominal musclescore compared to abdominals.

Thelumbar stretching deviceis forthe spinal erectors, which are three muscles: the lumbar iliocostalis, the longissimus thoracis and the spinalis. This set of muscles is located in a groove along the spine. These muscles extend the lumbar spine. The synergistic muscles used in the extension of the back are the gluteus the hamstrings and the adductor magnus. The stabilizing muscles used are those of the back, shoulders and neck: biceps, triceps, dorsals, deltoids, trapezius, pectorals and rhomboids.

These muscles are used whenever an object is lifted off the ground. They are also key muscles for maintaining a good posture.

banco para lumbares

Step-by-step instructions for lumbar strengthening device

Adjusts the back extension machine so that your feet fit welldreamsunder the pads. You must ensure a good fit so thathold firmly as you begin the flexion at the hips. Place the lower part ofyour body along the large pad provided for this purpose.Your body must be sufficiently advanced to be able to flex the upper part of the body almost at right angles. Cross your arms under your chest (note: if you place them behind your back, they will work your arms more gluteus and femoral muscles).

  • Support your abdominals while keeping your arms crossed and your body horizontal. Make sure your ankles are anchored.
  • Slowly bend at the waist until the upper part of the body is at a comfortable level 90 degreeswith the lower back. Avoid arching your lower back and tighten the buttocks at the top.
  • Extend yourselfto the starting position and stretch slightly upward so that the back is in hyperextension. Avoid arching the lower back and squeeze the glutes at the top.

Try doing three sets of five repetitions -more or less, depending on the condition and strength of your back and abdominal muscles.

Common mistakes when using the gym lumbar machine

A bad technique can lead to injury when you use a lower back extension machine. Avoidthe following errors in the hyperextension bench.

  1. Too fast and too abruptYou must keep your movement slow and controlled. Do not bounce or jerk. If you go too fast or make sudden movements, you may strain your back muscles or compress the discs.
  2. HyperextensionExtend only until your back is at the level of your thighs. Do not overextend your back.
  3. Too much weightIt is safest to perform it with body weight only. If you add weights, select a light weight.
  4. Training volume too high

Keep training volume low, e.g., no more than 10 repetitions for two sets.

Modifications and variations when using the lumbar machine or Roman chair

The exercise ofhyperextension of the back on a machine can be performed in different ways to adapt it to your needsyour level of fitness.

Need a modification?

Manytrainers steer their clients away from the lower back extension machine because they believe it is not worth using it for an isolation exercise. Instead, they prefer compound or functional exercises, such as the squats, and stiff-legged lifts to improve the performance of strengthening the lower back.

Up for a challenge?

Add a weight held on the chest, as a dumbbell or a disk; thiscan provide a additional work. You can also hold a barbell behind your neck. However, the additional weight carries a higher risk of injury and should onlyuse with caution.

Safety and precautions when using a lumbar brace

Do not use the back extension machine low if you have a herniated disc. If you have any back problems, talk to your doctor or physical therapist to see if this exercise is appropriate. The muscle involvement is the same as lifting a heavy object off the floor. If you have been instructed to restrict this type of activity, you should not use this machine. A criticism of the extension machinelumbar is that it isolates the muscles of the lower back too much, so the other muscles do not help protect the back sufficiently. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your back while doing this exercise, stop doing it for a while.

Try it! Purchase a lumbar support device and incorporate this and similar movements into your training.

Buy machine to lift buttocks and train legs

We have seen that with the lower back hyperextension device can be working the buttocks. But there are also other specific machines for this part of the body. The multi-hip apparatus is a clear example of this. It is found in almost all gyms and allows you to do a very effective exercise for the isolation of the buttocks.

Thanks to our extensive catalog, you will be able to get all the equipment you need to work on your abdomen, waist, lumbar and gluteus muscles. We have cheap machines and devices for professional, semi-professional and domestic use. We have solutions for your gym check it out!

Best machines for abdomen, obliques, lower back and gluteus muscles

In Depor Trainer you will find the abdominal exercise machines and many others. The market-leading abdominal machine what does the price of the abdominal machine depend on? On several variables: the complexity of the device, the range, the material it is made of, the brand...

If you want to buy abdominal gym equipment, we have just what you need. Shall we review the machines that can be used for each body part and the ranges?

Different types of gym equipment

  • Abdominal equipment for the gymThe abdominal bench (which can be basic or mobile), the abdominal crunch machine (with plates or weighted discs), the station for parallel plank dipsor the abdominal wheel.
  • Waist machines: Body weight waist twisting device, abdominal bench to work obliques, abdominal bench to work obliquesor loading machine with plates to make waist turns.
  • Low back apparatusHere we would have the lumbar bench, the lumbar extension machine and the Roman chair.
  • Buttocks Exercise MachineAgain, we have the lumbar bench, the station of funds or the multi-hip machine.

Our ranges

  • Professional machines for abdomen, obliques, lower back and gluteus musclesThey have a robust structure that is usually made of steel. They are also usually plate-loading devices. They are suitable equipment for gyms, hotels, sports centers, pavilions and associations. Do you need to equip a gym martial arts? this is your material! Professional equipment is durable, designed to be used by many people and resistant to shocks and breakdowns.
  • Semi-professional abdominal, waist, lumbar and gluteal machines: These are the machines of mid-range. They are an intermediate step between the professional and the domestic ones. They serve perfectly as home abdominal equipment. They are cheaper than the professional ones, although their material is not as resistant. Semi-professional machines can be installed in a gym a small neighborhood, a police or fire station, or an association with a small number of people. You should, however, check the manufacturer's warranties to see if you will be able to use itcovers damages in a public place.
  • Home tummy tuck machines and home gluteus, lumbar and waist machinesHome training equipment is the cheapest, but it is only intended for use by a single person or, at most, a family. It should not be used in facilities open to the public, as it will break down. There are good options and prices, but remember to use these products only for training at home.

What types of buttock machines to buy in an online store?

If you are also looking for gym for glutes and legs, we are going to give you our recommendations. At DeporTrainer, since we are experts in fitness, we know what are the types of gluteus lifting machine most common. Don't forget the glutes. Not only are they an aesthetic part when well exercised, but they also provide you with strength and balance. Nobodybuilder professional forgets to work the gluteus.

The multi-hip apparatus

Basically, it consists of a roller to push it with the legs. Generally, it is a machine with a tower of plates to select the load. The muscles that are worked with the multi-hip machine are the gluteus, adductors, abductors and femoral muscles.

This legs and buttocks machine is usually professional and is found in gyms.

aparato de gluteos multicadera

Lumbar hyperextensions

It's very simple, stand on the lumbar bench but place your hands together behind your back and touching the intersection between your lower back and buttock. Perform the exercise as you normally would, slowly lowering your torso to form a 90° angle. If you do it with your hands behind your back, you will have more of an impact on the femoral and gluteal muscles. very effective! You can already see that the lumbar benches can be used as a gluteal machine.

Funding station, pull-ups and abdominal work

It is one of the machines for gluteus, legs and abdomen. Position yourself on the backrest and perform the leg or knee raises exercise. Yes, we know it's for the abdomen, but this move will also exercise and strengthen your gluteus. This station can become the buttock lifting device you need.

aparato levanta gluteos

Hip thrust to work the buttocks

Another way to do gluteus is to use a basic abdominal flat bench to perform the famous "gluteus" exercise hip thrust or hip raise. Place your upper back on the bench, extend your body (which should be in the air) and fix your feet firmly on the floor. Hold a barbell on your thighs, take a breath and lower your buttocks to the floor, then, with an energetic movement of the hips, raise the bar again and release the air. Squeeze the glute throughout the movement and you'll feel the work. You can add more weight to complicate this exercise. Remember that you can also buy a buttocks brace from gym that mimics the movement of the hip thrusts.

hip thrust para entrenar el glúteo

Final recommendations for gluteal training

It is possible for you to lift weights in the gym with the gluteus lift machineto build muscle, but you must complement that workout routine with cardiovascular exercises. Glute activation exercises help you build your body's muscles through proper movement. Cardio is great for burning fat, and low resistance training can help you build muscle toning the buttocks. However, what are the best cardio machines for gluteal activation?

Can cardio strengthen the buttocks?

Yes, cardio exercises help to increase the heart rate in order toimprove fat burning, as does weight lifting. However, cardiocan be done through high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or lower impact training; but which one is best for the gluteal activation with cardio? Targeted cardio training can activate the whole body, not only legs and buttocks. As with many different workout routines with exercise machines for legs, buttocks and abdomen, which are used for the activation of the gluteus maximus, you may not realize it butif you do some of your favorite exercisesyou will focus thework inyour buttocks.

Most HIIT workouts focus on strength training exercises that will help you to maximizing the buttocks. When you go to the gym, there are a couple of cardio machines or cardio exercises that can activate your lower body with resistance.So, cardio machines can also be used as glute machines. It would be best if you choose workouts that work all parts of the glutes and focus on muscle building; so what are the best cardio machines for glute activation?

Well, you have several machines of gym and legs, which, in principle, are designed to be designed for cardio. To give you some examples, the stair machines, the stationary bicycles and the elliptical can be an effective gluteal apparatus.

The gluteal step apparatus can also be a good option. As you can see, you have at your disposal a wide range of apparatus for buttocks and legs. Depor Trainer offers you abdomen working equipment at a low price excellent. Check out all the options and promotions from the vendors. This complete marketplace will help you to equip any gym commercial or domestic. We are backed by our years of experience in working with the following companies exercise machines for legs, gluteus and abdomen. We have everything you need in machines for legs and buttocks at home.

What will you find in Depor Trainer?

Enjoy the best prices, fully online shopping, fast shipping, warranties and a wide variety of appliances of all ranges. Remember: there are no abdominal and waist reduction devices no tummy slimming devices or tummy tuckers. It's all a matter of diet, perseverance and sacrifice. But our machines will help you achieve your goal of toning your abs and other parts of the body. Are you looking for leg and buttocks machines at home? Sure we have them. Do you need abdominal equipment to equip your commercial gym? They are here! We are the most complete store in Spain for buy abdominal, waist, lumbar and gluteus machines.


ABDOMEN - WAIST - LUMBAR - BUTTOCKS There are 110 products.

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