All weight training benches. For chest, shoulders, abs, etc. training.
In this section you can buy a bench bench press, military press, hyperextensions ... among others.
We also have adjustable benches. Benches of gym of excellent quality.
BANCO HIPEREXTENSIONS LUMBARES Lumbar Bank for low back work. Gama Mega Gym.You're welcome.
_ It has a nice professional design. A musculation bank for low back work through Lumbar hyperextensions. East bank is basic for muscle isolation Lumbar. With inclination.You're welcome.
MÁQUINA ABDOMINALES / LUMBARES - DISCUSSION This is it. machine professional has a very original design. Allows to perform abdominal encogiments and extensions of lumbar using a disk loading system. A apparatus ideal for any gym.You're welcome.
MÁQUINA DOMINADAS / FUNDS IN PARALLELS Double function. The structure incorporates the bars to make parallel funds and one bar pull-ups to work dorsals. Basic and effective.You're welcome.
MÁQUINA DOMINADA / FONDOS / ABDOMINALES The improved version of the machine Mega Gym for pull-ups and funds. This device includes upholstered support with support for belly shrinkages and a bench abdominal abs. You can work chest, triceps, back and core.You're welcome.
BANCO SCOTT A weight bank for exercise biceps curl Sit. Bank gym professional.You're welcome.
BANCO SCOTT MGYM-136Bank gym to exercise curl in bank scott or Curl preacher. It's a adjustable bicep bank. For professional use.You're welcome.
BANCO SCOTT BICEPS AND TRICEPS - DISCUSSION This version of bank scott No bar required. Instead the load moves by disks using a lever system. Also can be used for training biceps and triceps. The weight is loaded by disks.You're welcome.
_ The musculation bank basic to exercise shoulder press or military press. With straight back. Add it to your gym.You're welcome.
BANCO REGULABLE MUSCULATION MGYM-158Musculation bank to perform many exercises in the gym: chest press, shoulder press, biceps, openings, tricepsetc. You can regulate the inclination, for example, to perform bench press flat, tilted, shoulders to 90oetc. It measures 1.34 m x 0.66 m x 1.26 m and weighs 20 kg.
BANCO ABDOMINALES DECLINED MGYM-159Bank basic encogiments abdominal abs. Both the bench and the supports to place the legs are covered in black. Very comfortable. Ideal for installing gym.1.51 m x 0.62 m x 0.96 m.19 kg.You're welcome.