ADIDAS. Multinational manufacturer of sports products such as clothing, footwear and fashion. Its headquarters is in Germany.
ADIDAS is a multinational manufacturer that specializes in sports products such as slippers, clothing and other accessories. It emerged in Germany in 1920 and continues to make and distribute sports items in our day.
ADIDAS also manufacture sneakers weightlifting and powerlifting like Adidas Power Perfect 2, Adidas Adipower or Adidas Powerlift.
Empuñaduras Adidas, diseñadas para proteger los nudillos y asegurar las manos al golpear en boxeo, artes marciales y deportes de contacto.
Cinturón de Levantamiento Adidas, diseñado para estabilizar el tronco y maximizar tu rendimiento en powerlifting, crossfit y musculación.