This accessory is for Body Solid SGS-348 station. You can incorporate a pulley, low pulley and plate tower with 95 kg. INCLUDING THE MARKED ACCESSORY IN THE PHOTO, NOT THE COMPLETE MACHINE.Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Extension for musculation machines models G2B, G3S, G5S,G6B and G10B from Body Solid. Add a leg press. ONLY INCLUDES THE PRESS MARKED IN ROJO. Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Extension of openings for the musculation station GS348 Body Solid or for the structure BF48 Body Solid. ONLY INCLUDES THE APERTURE SOPORT. Delivery of Germany with INCLUDED PORTS.
Dented rows, coupled to structure BF48 from Body Solid to form a free weight rack. I didn't include the COMPLETE STRUCTURE, just the AZUL MARKED SOPORTs.Delivery from Germany. I'm sorry.
Disc support (50 MM) coupled with Body Solid structures and machines. Valid for these models: SM-144-PL, BF48, PR-178-PL, PR-200-BS and PPR82. ONLY INCLUDES SOPORTE (MARKED IN AZUL).Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Disk storage support for Body Solid racks. Valid for models SM-144-PL and BF-48-BS. Valid for normal discs and 50 mm. I just added the SOPORT.Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Accessory with pulley for station PL-SM-144 from Body Solid. Just include the JALONES ACCESSORY (not the COMPLETE MACHINE).Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Extension of bolts to add weight disks. Valid for the Model PR-178-PL of Body Solid. Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
This accessory is a pulley / row pole to attach to the stations PPR-82 and PR-200 from Body Solid. Valid for those models.Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
This accessory is an extension of pulls to attach to the structure BF-48 from Body Solid. I'm sorry. Just put in the picture. Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
You can transform the model structure BF48 of Body Solid in a multipower. ONLY INCLUDES RAÍLES / BARRA MULTIPOWER (RODEADO en AZUL).Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.
Valid device for structure BF48 from Body Solid. Convert the structure to a Multipower (50 mm). ONLY INCLUDES RAÍLES / BARRA (MARCADOS en AZUL).Delivery from Germany. You're welcome.