A whole range of accessories for the physical condition. You can use this material crossfit and any Functional training. We also include products for the training in suspension: the bands TRX, rings...

The product catalog of this section is very varied and useful. You will find: pliometric drawers, bosu ball, agility stairs, abdominal wheel, fences, cones, rubber roller foam, gymnastics mattresses...



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Showing 1 - 12 of 497 items
  • 0 Review(s)

    RB STS SUSPENSION Simplely great! You'll love this product. You can already buy elastic bands for the suspension training. Last in functional training!Our pack training in suspense# It's more cheap than others in the market.100% RECOMMENDED

    69,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    VALLAS RUDE BOYS For your training Boxing / martial arts.Use them to practice your agility, speed, coordination, jumps... A good accessory for your physical preparation.

    19,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    ELASTICS BOXEO RB OVER SPEED Product that serves to improve your speed during resistance training.Very useful for your p phasesphysical repair in Boxing and martial arts.

    85,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    RB VELOCITY ARNES With this resistance rubber you can improve your speed, explosives and power.Useful accessories for your physical preparation in Boxing and martial arts.THIS GAMA YA IS NOT AVAILABLE. _ BUY NOW

    84,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    ELASTICO FITNESS RB The elastic rubber which offer great resistance to perform a variety of functional exercises. You can easily buy them in our online dinner. They are very cheap and useful for all disciplines.

    19,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    Scale of VELOCITY RB You can use it for practice exercises to improve so much velocity Like agility.Here you can. purchaser a good price.

    39,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    PLATFORM OF EQUILIBRIO RB Strengthen the abdominal area and improve the balance. Excellent. price. Valid for fitness and functional training. You can. purchase to complement your exercises.

    20,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    GUANTES SOMBRA WITH RB These gloves include a weight in the hands and are very useful for performing Shadow exercises. You can use them to increase the strength of your arms.- They sell for pairs.

    16,50 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    THE ASTICO POTENCIADOR PEGADA BOXEO RUDE BOYSThis elastic has anatomical handle that is covered with an anti-red protector. Used in boxing/contact sports/martial arts to improve the speed and power of the strikes and recovery of the guard.

    16,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    _ ?What do they do? the lasted anklets? Increase your power and speed. You have multiple benefits and you can be used in both martial arts and running.Here you can. purchase A few lasted anklets cheap and very functional.

    15,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    BANCO HIPEREXTENSIONS LUMBARES PLATINUM A bank professional tilting to perform hyperextensions and exercise the back. Platinum Gama. Consultation here. the delivery time.You're welcome.

    725,00 €
  • 0 Review(s)

    _  It has a nice professional design. A musculation bank for low back work through Lumbar hyperextensions. East bank is basic for muscle isolation Lumbar. With inclination.You're welcome.

    450,00 €
Showing 1 - 12 of 497 items

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