In this catalog of our store fitness, we have for sale all the machines and banks of professional gym for arm training. They are machinesand exercise devices in which you can exercise biceps and triceps.
For example, here you can buy a professional biceps scott bank, a triceps press machine, etc. Machines and benches of great durability and resistance. Suitable to install in a gym, sports center, hotel, etc.
Basic black for sitting or lying exercises. It is steel with polished black finish. 148 cm x 65 cm x 45 cm.Weight: 18 kg.Professional use.Free Shipping.
Adjustable weight bank for use professional in gym. You can adjust it from declined to -10o until up to 90o. Sturdy steel and upholstered with synthetic skin. Wheels at the base for mobility and easy transport.It's a adjustable bank very elegant and good price. You can. purchase for you Room fitness. Finished in polished black.Free Shipping.
Professional bank to perform stretch securely. A new way of doing stretch with maximum security. The bank ensures the correct positioning of the body. Allows to make a variety of standing and sitting exercises. You can exercise the whole body in one machine.Recommended for athletes, dancers, gymnastics. Stop. physiotherapy clinics, rehabilitation, gyms,...
Hand machine (biceps/ triceps) professional Mod. N 0 60 Weight in plates: 100 KgBUY NOW TO THE BEST PRICE
Biceps plate machineBUY NOW TO THE BEST PRICE
MÁQUINA DE FONDOS DE PECTORAL SENTADO FUSION PRO, diseñada para un trabajo preciso y eficiente de los tríceps. Biomecánica avanzada y asiento ajustable.
MÁQUINA DE BÍCEPS FUSION PRO CAMBER CURL, diseñada para entrenar los bíceps con biomecánica avanzada, banco Scott y torre de placas de 80 kg.
Máquina Dominadas y Fondos Asistidos Fusion Pro, diseñada para entrenamientos intensivos y progresivos. Incluye torre de placas de 110 kg y soporte ergonómico con múltiples agarres.
Banco Vertical Press Militar Fusion Pro, ideal para trabajar hombros y brazos. Diseño robusto, cómodo y fácil de transportar con ruedas integradas.
Torre de Cruce de Poleas Fusion Pro, diseño compacto con dos torres de 95 kg, poleas ajustables y agarres para dominadas. Perfecta para entrenamientos funcionales.
Banco Regulable Fusion Pro 0-90º ideal para entrenamientos completos, con 5 posiciones de inclinación. Diseño robusto y ruedas para fácil transporte.