Go kart to pedals – measuring 96x68x56 cm free and immediate shipping with tracking number. We do not make shipments to the canarian islands, ceuta and melilla. reference: 53-0026 is a pedal kart for children with a sports racing design in which your child will feel like a real karts driver. infant kart is of high quality, extremely robotic and safe; it has a tubular steel frame with a comfortable seat that protects against car movements. The purchase of this child cuatricle is an excellent decision, as it provides the right safety to children while a lot of fun at the wheel. features of pedal cars – blue and black - kart pedals with a racing car design, high quality and resistant canvas with steel tube frame. - is a car for children 3 to 8 years old, blue and black. - the children's kart moves forward or backwards just by pressing the clutch. - this model of car to pedals has the function of free wheel practice. - the position of the child car seat can be added in several positions. - the kart hand brake for children acts safely on both rear wheels. - the kart on pedals is designed according to the European standard in 71 toy security. - the kart includes accessories and required manuals. Kart specifications for children – Steel and plastic - dimensions: 96x68x56cm (lksanxal) - front wheel diameter / rear wheel: 20 cm/25cm - seat: 35 x 23 x 34cm (lksanxal) - material: steel/plastic tube - fully closed chain protector - maximum load: 30kg - weight: 9,4kg - color: blue/black - 1 x 1 x wheel