This is the second part of our 50 move home ab workout . The training is distributed in 5 days of the week. If you have not read the previous part, visit the following section:

Note : the following exercises belong to days 4 and 5  of the abs routine at home. To see the first part, click on the link.

Day 4 Abdominal plank training at home

For the fourth day of the  abs routine at home , we will do a workout based on  abdominal planks . They are one of the best exercises for the core because they activate a large number of muscles. They will make your body  stronger and more resistant . In this selection, you will find dynamic abdominal plank exercises that will help you improve your physical shape and body quality.

1. Touch shoulders and knees in the abdominal plank

Get into the abdominal plank position with your arms straight. The body should be straight and tense. From the starting position, raise your left arm and touch your right shoulder; go back. Now, raise your right hand and touch your left shoulder; go back. Then, touch the right knee with the left hand, previously bringing it closer to the body. Then, with your right hand, touch your left knee. Repeat the movements in sequence, but  not too fast , without raising the pelvis or leaning back. Plank exercises will help you build a strong core and build beautiful abs on your stomach.

How many reps?: 6-8 reps (ie 6-8 shoulder touches per side and 6-8 knee touches per side).

 Abdominal plank with shoulder and knee touches 

Abdomen plank with shoulder and knee touches

Shoulder and knee touch plank

Abdominal plank touching the shoulders and knees

Abdominal plank with shoulder and knee touches

2. Side Plank Body Raise

Position yourself in Side Plank on Elbows Lift your left arm and leg off the floor to position yourself in Side Plank on your right forearm. In the correct position, the elbow should be below the shoulder joint. Place your left hand on your waist and lower your body down trying to touch the ground with your thigh. Then return to the plank position. Repeat the movement with the other side. The  Dynamic Side Plank  is a great ab exercise that will help you strengthen your obliques and shape your waist at home.

How many reps?: 10-12 reps on one side first, then 10-12 reps on the other side.

Side plank body lift at home

Side Plank Body Raise

3. Rocker on all fours to train the abdomen at home

Get on all fours and lift your knees off the ground. From the plank position on all fours,  alternately bring the knees closer to the body . Try to bring the knee into contact with the opposite arm (if possible). Do not round your back or lift your pelvis up. Tighten your abs during the exercise. This works the deep abdominal muscles to form a flawless abdominal relief.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 on each side.

Seesaw on all fours, abdominal exercise

Rocker on all fours, abdominal exercise  

Rocker on all fours, abdomen exercise

4. Abdominal plank with pelvic rotation at home

First, get into  an abdominal plank on your forearms , with your body lengthened in a straight line. Twist your body to the left, hips down. The feet and arms do not change position,  only the torso works . Go back and twist your body to the right as far as it will go. If you find it difficult to lower your hips all the way down, perform the exercise with a small amplitude. Include this exercise in your home ab workout to deeply pump your abs and core.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions per side.

Abdominal plank with pelvic rotation at home

Abdominal plank with pelvis rotation, exercise at home

Abdominal plank with pelvic rotation

5. Side plank knee extension

Get into a side plank on your elbows supporting yourself on your right forearm. Lower your right knee down, left leg out, and left arm straight behind your head. Bend your left leg at the knee and bring it in toward your body as you bend your left arm at the elbow and bring it toward your knee. At the highest point, the elbow and knee should almost touch. A simple but effective exercise to work the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the trunk and legs.

How many reps?: 10-12 reps on one side first, then 10-12 reps on the other side.

Side Plank with Knee Extension at Home

Home Knee Extension Plank

6. Boat, abdomen exercise 

Lie on your stomach and extend your arms along your body, with your legs together. Lift your head and upper body off the ground as you raise your legs up. At the highest point, the body should look like a ship. Hold this position for a few seconds, then come back. It is a static and multifunctional exercise that strengthens the trunk and also the back, buttocks and legs. This  abdominal exercise  is also known as  Superman .

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Boat, exercise for the abdominals

Boat, an exercise for the abs

7. Diagonal climbing

Get into an abdominal plank with your arms outstretched. Find a stable position. Bend your left leg at the knee and bring it toward your shoulder. Try to touch the outside of the body with the left elbow. Go back and repeat the same movement bringing the knee towards the right elbow. Two knee bends are one repetition. Do all the repetitions with one leg and then with the other. This combined exercise effectively works the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

How many repetitions?: 8-10 repetitions first on one leg, then 8-10 repetitions on the other leg.

Diagonal climbing to strengthen abs

Diagonal climbing to work the abs

Diagonal climbing, abdominal exercise

8. Lower knees in abdominal plank

Position yourself on the abdominal plank on your forearms looking for a stable and firm position. From the starting position, lower your knees to the ground, hold for a moment, and come back up. This seemingly simple exercise will get your abs on fire. It's a great preliminary exercise that stimulates muscle growth.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Knee drop in abdominal plank

 Abdominal plank with knee drop

9. Side planks

Get into a side plank position on your elbows supporting yourself on your right forearm. Put your left hand behind your head and your feet still one on top of the other. Tilt your head and torso down making turns without rolling backwards. Feel your abdominal muscles tighten and come back up. Remember to do the twists for the other side as well. It is a challenging but effective exercise for those who dream of having a chiseled waist and a flat stomach.

How many reps?: 10-12 reps on one side first; then 10-12 repetitions on the other side.

Side crunches planks

Side Abdominal Planks

10. Downward Facing Dog Climber

Get into downward facing dog with your arms and legs straight. Now, bend one leg at the knee and come down bringing the knee towards the body. Return to downward-facing dog and bend your other leg at the knee. Repeat all over again. This demanding compound exercise will not only work your abs and core, but will also improve your body's flexibility and endurance.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions per side.

Repeat the exercise at home in  2 rounds  if time and stamina allow.

Rock climber in downward facing dog position, exercise

Rock climber in downward facing dog, exercise

Climbing Downward Facing Dog Abdominal Exercises

- Alternate with the other leg:

Climbing Downward Facing Dog Abdominal Exercise

Day 5 Complete abdominal training at home: upper abdomen, lower abdomen and sides

This last block presents  effective and complete exercises  for all the  abdominal muscles . The moves will make your muscles burn and your abs iron. Perform the exercises at a medium pace and trying to keep the abdominals in constant tension to increase the effort.

1. Abdomen shrugs with knee touches

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and extend your arms behind your head. He raises his head and shoulder blades as you press your abs. As you raise your body, she spreads her arms apart and brings them together at the knees. She returns to the starting position in reverse order. These  shrugs  target the upper abs. Also, push-ups help work the side muscles.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Abdominal crunches with knee touch

Knee Touch Abdominal Shrugs

Knee Touch Abdominal Shrugs

2. Knee-Elbow Crunches with Leg Extension

Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, and raise your legs to 45 degrees. Now, raise your head and upper body as you bend your legs at the knees and pull them up toward your chest. Return to the starting position and straighten your legs at the knees. It's an  advanced version of the tummy tuck . It allows you to simultaneously work the  upper and lower abs . Movement activates blood flow, stimulates fat burning and muscle growth.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Knee-Elbow Crunches and Leg Extension

Knee-Elbow Crunches with Leg Extension

Knee-elbow sit-ups with leg extension

3. Bicycle with leg raises

Lying on your back, with your hands behind your head, lift your legs off the ground and bend your left knee. Now do a diagonal twist to your left knee (trying to touch it with your right elbow). In this position, lock yourself and swing your right leg up and down. Return to the starting position, bend your right leg at the knee, and repeat the movement from the beginning. This complex exercise keeps the  abdominal muscles in constant tension , which stimulates anabolism and makes the muscles stronger and more resistant.

How many repetitions?: 8-10 repetitions per side.

Abdominal bike with leg raise

Abdominal bike with leg raise, exercise

Abdominal bike with leg raises

Abdominal bike with leg raises, exercises at home

4. Knee Flexion Shrug

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and place your arms straight behind your head. Raise the body, lifting the lower back off the ground. Bend your knees and bring them in toward your chest, while pulling your arms forward. Then return to the starting position. These  home exercises for abs  work the stomach, but also build strength, stamina and flexibility.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Abdominal crunches with knee flexion

Abdominal crunches with knee bends

Abdominal crunches and knee flexion

5. The climber, abs exercise at home

Get into the prone position. Firmly rest your palms on the ground to feel stable. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring it up to your chest, then step back and do the same with your left leg. Rock  climbing  is a classic exercise for working the core and abdominals, as well as strengthening the muscles of the back, arms, and legs.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions for each side.

climber, abdominal exercise

stair climber, abdominal exercise at home

stair climber, abdominal exercise at home


6. Double exercise with three short tummy tucks

This  abs exercise at home  has  two parts . Lie on your back, stretch your arms and put them behind your head. Raise your head and arms, and lift your legs off the ground. From this position, shrink your body while bending your knees and bringing your arms forward.

At the highest point, do three  abdominal contractions  and return to the starting position. The contraction favors the work of the muscles. In addition, the contraction makes the abdominals stay in tension for a longer time, and helps activate the metabolism and blood flow in the abdominal area.

How many repetitions?: 8-10 repetitions.

- First part of the exercise:

 Double exercise with three short tummy tucks

Abdomen crunches and contractions, exercise

Abdominal Crunches and Crunches, Exercise

- When you reach this position, make three short contractions with the abdomen:

Abdominal Crunches and Crunches, Exercise

short tummy tucks

7. Seated Diagonal Crunches

Sit on the floor, with your legs bent at the knees, arms crossed in front of you, and elbows out to the sides. Lean your body to the left diagonally and try to reach the ground with your elbow. Now, come back to the center and bend to the right and diagonally into a twist. This  simple exercise  will help you work the  oblique muscles .

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions per side.

Seated diagonal tummy tucks

Seated Diagonal Crunches

Seated Diagonal Crunches

8. The "dead bug", another abdominal exercise at home

Lie on your back, raise your legs, and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. Raise your arms up. Now, she puts her left hand behind her head as you straighten her right leg. Keep your foot on the ground at the same time. Step back, put your right hand behind your head and straighten your left leg. Alternate movements at a relaxed pace. This exercise improves coordination of movements, works the lower part of the abdominals and strengthens the entire trunk.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions on each side.  

dead beetle, abdomen exercise

dead beetle, abs exercise at home

dead beetle, abdomen exercise

dead beetle, abs in the house

9. Raises in the butterfly pose

Lying on your back, cross your arms behind your head. He bends his knees and spreads them apart; close your feet Raise your body by lifting your lower back off the ground. Lower your hands to your feet between your knees and come back. Keep your back straight during the lift so as not to overload your lower back. The exercise activates all the abdominal muscles and also makes the body flexible and strong.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions.

Butterfly raises to work abs

Raises in the butterfly pose, exercise for the abdomen

Raise in the butterfly pose, abdomen exercise

 Butterfly Raises, Abdominal Exercises

10. The "windshield wiper", abdominal exercise

Lie on your back and spread your arms, raise your legs and bend your knees. Then he lowers his knees to the left and right trying to touch the ground. Don't lift your upper body off the ground (only your legs should work). Move at a steady pace, but not too fast to work your abdominal muscles well. This exercise is a great finish to your  abdominal workout at home , as it not only activates your abs, but also relieves tension in your back and helps you relax.

How many repetitions?: 10-12 repetitions per side.

 Windshield wiper, an abdomen exercise at home

 Windshield wipers, abdominal exercises

Windshield wipers, an exercise for the abdomen

Repeat the exercise in 2 rounds if time and stamina allow.

Day 6 Optional cardio exercise

To build abs , it is not only important to build the muscle, but also to burn the fat that covers it. Therefore, on the sixth day, you can do cardiovascular exercise.

If you want to lose fat and not just increase your abs at home , we recommend including a cardio session in your program, at least once or twice a week. Cardio exercises for the belly will help you burn more calories, speed up your metabolism and start burning fat. Cardio should be done in interval mode (eg 30 seconds of hard work + 15 seconds of rest) to get the best possible workout. Choose an appropriate cardio program. For example, running, jumping, Tabata...

What is important to lose abdominal fat?

1. If you want to get rid of your belly, it's important to remember that weight loss only occurs when you eat less food than your body is able to expend for energy (i.e. you're eating within a caloric deficit). . If you don't eat restrictively, your body fat won't decrease, even with daily abdominal exercises.

2. Be sure to make the necessary dietary changes:

- Establish a caloric deficit in your diet to lose weight.
- Take the right nutrition to lose weight.

3. Perform our abdominal exercise routine at home  taking into account the indicated number of repetitions. Rest 15 seconds between exercises.

4. You can carry out the training according to the number of repetitions or also use a timer. In this case, use the Tabata Timer mobile app , which allows you to set work and rest intervals. You can also watch ready-made YouTube videos with timers. The timed interval training method is considered most effective when working with your own body weight.

5. Follow a timed exercise plan:

Beginner level . Do the exercise according to the scheme of 30 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest. Use the YouTube timer.

Intermediate level . Perform the exercise with a pattern of 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest. Use the YouTube timer.

Advanced level . Execute the exercise under the scheme of 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest. Use the YouTube timer.

6. The 5-day abdominal exercise plan at home  that we have suggested above can be used as a complement to the main training at the end of a bodybuilding routine. However, if you plan to perform the exercises presented as a stand-alone program and without adding other workouts, we recommend repeating the exercises in 2-3 rounds for a complete workout.

7. If you want to lose weight, in order to burn belly fat more effectively, it is also advisable to increase your daily activity: walk more, take regular walks, use less means of transport and choose active leisure activities on weekends.

8. Don't forget to work all the muscles in general to develop a balanced body composition. Don't just do abdominal exercise at home .

Download the routine to train the abdomen at home PDF

Here you have the downloadable PDF abdominal exercise chart available. Do this abdominal exercise routine at home in 5 minutes . They are for  men, women  and  for people over 60 years of age . 

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