- Unique shot.
- Cannon folding, loading by simple grinding.
- High precision steel cannon with the striated anima.
- Two-time shooter.
- Adjustable trigger.
- Load and gunshot insurance.
- Polyvalent tin for right-handed and left-handed.
- Ventilated rubber case for the removal of the backrest.
- Monte Carlo type design.
- Diamond grip.
- Look adjustable in height and drift.
- Micrometric regulation.
- You look with fiber optics, with high visibility colors.
- Camera with slots to place the viewer.
- Anti-retroceiver buffer block (BAA)
- Total length: 117 cms.
- Caliber: 4.5 mm.
- Weight: 3 Kg.
- The Whisper sound moderator system integrated into the barrel's mouth allows up to 52% noise reduction compared to a standard snail.
- Optical fiber in front view: red 0, 4 mm in diameter.
- Rear optic fiber: yellow 0, 6 mm diameter.
- Ammunition: any type of ammunition can be used.
- Initial speed up to 305 m/sec (1000 ft/sec)