In order of importance, today we will see the main back exercises in the gym. Why is the back so difficult to develop? Because it is one of the muscle groups that is hard for us to see in the mirror. We can perfectly see the pump of our biceps or pectorals in the training room, but we don't know what our backs look like in the gym. Training your back well requires knowing the names of the proper exercises and focusing on feeling the muscle well.

The list of lats exercises in the gym includes the deadlift, the barbell row, the pull-ups, the pulldown, the dumbbell row... Know all these movements and build your own back routine. In Depor Trainer , we have ordered the exercises from the most important to strengthen the back. Keep this in mind!

Types of gym exercises for back

First of all, we must make a clarification: to fully develop the muscles of the back, you have to work both the width and the thickness. There are specific exercises to target the width or thickness of the back. Combine both types of exercises to be balanced. Broadly speaking, the division would be as follows.

• Amplitude exercises : These are the movements that are done with a wide grip. Examples are wide-grip pull-ups, wide-grip pull-downs, barbell rows, wide-grip seated machine rows...

• Thickness exercises : These would be the back exercises that are executed with a narrow grip. Some moves are neutral pull-ups and chin-ups, the T-bar row, the Gironda row, or the close-grip pulldown on the cable

We will see all these exercises. Combine them to develop a massive back with great thickness and breadth.

Gym exercises for back

To do your lats workout, combine about 4 or 5 back exercises in the gym on the following list. Find the balance between the exercises of thickness and breadth. For example, an effective routine would be one general muscle-building exercise (such as the deadlift), two width exercises (chin-ups and barbell rows), and two thickness exercises (seated Gironda row and dumbbell row).

Conventional deadlift

This is the most basic and important exercise in a lats workout and, normally, it will be the first one we do. This exercise requires good technique and maximum available energy, as it will recruit almost every muscle in our body. Deadlifts strengthen your upper back, lower back, neck, trapezius, abdomen, and other muscles. It also improves the grip of your hands for all other exercises. Work your back in the gym with deadlifts.

Barbell deadlift for the back at the gym

1. Starting position : The bar should be on the ground. Preferably, use weight plates high enough so that the bar is about 22 cm from the ground. Come to the center of the bar standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. The balls of the feet should point slightly outward.

Some trainers recommend starting with your legs touching the deadlift bar. However, in our experience, this position can make lifting difficult for less experienced users (the bar can hit the legs on the way up and hurt). For this reason, we recommend leaving the shins a few centimeters from the bar.

2. Start while squatting : Next, start as if you were at the bottom of a squat. The depth of the pelvic descent depends on the height and anatomy of each lifter. We need to find a starting position that feels comfortable. However, we must make sure that our back remains straight and our eyes forward.

3. How to grab the bar : Once we've established the squat position, it's time to grab the deadlift. The arms will remain completely straight. The position of the arms should be shoulder width apart and slightly off the feet. There are various styles of stance for the grip. The basic position is pronation (palms facing the body). The other most commonly used grip is the mixed grip, where you place one palm facing you and the other palm facing out. Use this grip whenever you lift very heavy loads, as it will prevent the bar from slipping or rolling in your hands.

Mixed grip for deadlifts

Before you lift the bar off the ground, you need to get a good grip on it. For maximum diameter and a perfect grip, rotate your hand and fingers over the bar. Make sure your palms are in contact with the bar. Don't just hold the bar with your fingers or fingertips. This grip is much weaker.

4. Deadlift : It's time to raise the bar. We must be ready and well positioned. We fill the chest completely with air. The shoulders maintain their natural position. We press our heels firmly into the ground, as if we wanted to break the ground with our feet. Begin an explosive climb to a fully upright position with the bar in hand. We exhale at the end of the movement while standing.

- Try to lift your shoulders and hips at the same time. This is very important to do the exercise well.

- Experienced lifters may have an advantage when propelling with their legs at first. You need to know how to do this. It involves lifting your legs back slightly from the starting position, then squatting back down to use momentum to lift the bar. This allows for a much more explosive take off with more leg power.

- Never move your arms while lifting. Hands should not "pull" the bar. Use your arms only to hold the bar as if you were using hooks. Attempting to row with your arms can cause injury.

5. The weight returns . There is no negative phase in this exercise. Return to the starting position and do another repetition.

We can do this back exercise in the gym with a straight bar or a hexagonal bar . This exercise is mainly thickness.

Back pull-ups at the gym

If there is a main exercise to achieve a good back width in the gym, it is pull-ups. You just need a strong bar from which you can hang. There are many types of pull-ups: with a wide grip, with a narrow grip, with a towel... We will explain the basic type of pull-up, which is the most used to gain dorsal width. This is done with a wide spread of the arms and with the palms of the hands facing the bar (pronation).

How to do pull-ups, a back exercise at the gym

How to do pull-ups:

1. Grasp the bar firmly at shoulder width or with arms slightly wider. Lower yourself until your arms and the rest of your body are fully extended. Legs may be partially flexed. It is recommended that the heel of your palm be at the base of the bar when gripping. This will give you a much stronger grip and allow you to pull better. Make sure the bar is high enough so that your body is fully suspended. Before we start climbing, we take a lot of air.

2. From the previous position, we begin to raise the torso to raise the head towards the bar. To do this, we mainly help ourselves from the back, the biceps and the elbows. During the lift, we try to keep the torso straight and not swing the legs, as this would reduce the effectiveness of the exercise if we were trying to work the back. We go up explosively. Keeping your elbows/arms facing the bar as you pull up is safer on the joints, but you're working your biceps more. We keep air in our lungs throughout the climb.

3. At the end of the rise, we must bring our chin closer to the bar and let it pass over it. This should be the correct concentric phase. At the end of the climb, we take the air out.

4. Finally, we descend in a controlled manner until we return to the starting position with our arms and torso straight and extended. To maximize the work on your back, this descent can be done more slowly than the ascent. When we are hanging on the bar again, we can take a breath and start another repetition.

There are many initiated people who cannot perform the pull-up with a bar. In fact, there are people who can't even perform one repetition. In that case, we recommend that you practice until you can do at least 3-5 pull-ups.

The most basic pull-up works the dorsal width. However, there are other styles that you can try.

• Neutral grip pull-ups : You need a bar with handles that allow you to place your palms facing each other. It focuses on the thickness of the back.

Neutral grip pull-ups, the best back exercises

•  Chin-ups : They are the classic "pull-ups for biceps" that are done with the hands in supination. The width of the arms will be that of the shoulders and the exercise will improve the thickness of the dorsal.

Chin-ups, lat exercises

• Pull-ups behind the neck : It is a different way of doing the exercise, placing your back to the pull-up bar. The grip will be wide. Not everyone can do this exercise because it causes discomfort.

Behind-the-neck pull-up exercise

•  Rubber band pull-ups : Place a rubber band around the bar and put your feet on the rubber to help if you have trouble learning to do your first pull-ups.

Pull-ups on a bar with elastic band

• Assisted Pull-Up Machine : This is a very useful device for beginners who cannot do pull-ups on their own yet.

Assisted pull-ups

When you're more advanced, you can use weights on this back exercise to make it more difficult. As far as reps go, here are some stretch goals:

- Good: 8 to 10 repetitions

- Very good: 15 repetitions

- Excellent: 20 repetitions

- Pro: + 20 repetitions

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Bent over row 

The bent-over row with a barbell is the third great basic exercise for building a strong, hard back. This movement should not be missing in any routine. It is considered one of the best exercises for the upper back in the gym . This exercise works the upper back, middle back, traps, rear deltoids, and biceps primarily. There are two possible grips to do the movement:

- Overhand grip: This is the basic version of the bent over row.

- Supination grip: This variant, with the palms of the hands facing the body, involves the biceps more.

Bent over row, gym back exercises

How do you do a bent over row?

1. Position yourself : Load a barbell with a weight you can control and stand in front of it (you can also use a bench or rack to pull the bar out). Grab the bar with an opening slightly wider than your shoulders. Place your feet according to the width of your shoulders. Your legs will be slightly bent during the movement. Lean your body forward slightly. When you have the bar, your arms will remain straight and suspended.

2. Pull the bar : Keep your abdomen compact, press your feet into the ground, take a breath, bend your elbows and explosively pull the bar  to the abdomen. When the bar touches the abdomen, expel the air from the lungs. Imagine that you want to push your feet against the ground with all your strength to have stability in the movement.

3. Lower the bar : Stretch your arms until they return to the starting position (arms suspended in the air). Take a breath to do the next repetition.

Remember to always pull with the back. Feel the movement by connecting mind and muscle. Remember also that, in this exercise, the bar should follow a diagonal movement towards your abdomen.

The bent over row is important to work the breadth and thickness of your back. If you want a good level of strength on this exercise, try to do at least 5 reps with your own bodyweight for one set.

Pendlay row

Actually, the Pendlay row is like a variation on the bent-over barbell row we've seen before. There are some slight differences. In the Pendlay row, your back does not incline, but is parallel to the ground. Also, in the Pendlay row, the bar rests fully on the ground between each repetition. The last difference is that the bar comes up much more vertical in the Pendlay, rather than going diagonally as it does in the bent-over row.

In Pendlay rowing, you can also use both types of grip: pronated and supinated. The Pendlay row allows you to carry a little more weight. There are defenders of one exercise and the other. We think both are great, so we recommend combining both rowing styles to get their full benefits.

Pendlay rowing technique, back exercises in the gym

1. Position yourself correctly : Place the bar on the ground and use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width. Position your hips as in the deadlift, but a little higher. Your feet should be between your hands. In the starting position, try to keep the bar slightly away from your shins so you don't injure yourself lifting the bar. Your arms should be straight when you grab the bar. Imagine stretching your back so much that you increase the tension in your back and thigh muscles.

2. Pull the bar : You must contract your abdominal muscles tightly and push your feet into the ground to explosively lift the bar. The bar will touch the lower part of your chest (the junction of the pectoral and abdominal muscles). Remember not to raise your shoulders or let your hips fall forward. As a suggestion, imagine pulling the bar up towards your hips.

3. Lower the bar : Extend your arms until the plates of the bar touch the ground. Put the plates completely on the floor before the rep. Lower the bar to the ground, then do the next rep.

Regarding breathing, fill your lungs with air before pulling the bar. Exhale when the bar touches your chest.

If you want to get really strong at  back exercises , do 10 reps with your own body weight on the Pendlay row. This movement will help you improve the breadth and thickness of your back.

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Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Once you've touched on the main back exercises in the gym  (these are deadlifts, pull-ups, and heavy rows), you can move on to working on the pulleys. The long grip pulldown is the exercise you should be doing, a much more analytical and focused move. Strengthen your upper back, middle back, and traps with this exercise. You will need a high pulley machine with a seat . There will be one in every gym.

Lat pulldown to chest with wide grip, gym back exercises

1. Sit on the machine : You will see that the machine has sponge rollers just in front of the seat. You will also see a device to regulate the height of the roller. Adjust the roller so that your legs are well supported when you are sitting, but you are not pressured or uncomfortable either. Grasp the handle with an opening greater than shoulder width and hands pronated.

As a recommendation, use the false grip (thumb above the handle) and try to surround the handle or as much as possible with the palm of the hand above. This will help you apply maximum force.

2. Pull the pulley : Take a breath and lower the handle explosively until it touches the top of your pectoral. When you touch the chest, release the air. Try to apply force by concentrating on the lats.

3. Raise your arms again in a controlled manner until you achieve full lat extension.

• The Neutral Wide Grip Back Pulldown : This is another similar version that varies the position of the hands (which will be facing each other). You need a handle like the one in the image to perform the movement. The execution of the movement is the same.

Wide and neutral grip for gym back exercises

•  One-Handed Version : Place the one-handed handle on the high pulley to pull down with one arm at a time. Try to bring the handle towards the chest and contract the dorsal well.

 Pull-down with one hand, back exercises gym

One Hand Grip for Lat Pulldown Exercise

The wide-grip pulldown primarily achieves dorsal width. This is one of the recommended gym back exercises for women . It is perfect for toning and avoiding flaccidity in the back and arms. As we will see now, there are several versions of the lat pulldown.

Lat-pull down with supinated grip

The execution procedure of this movement is the same as that of the previous exercise. Here the position of the hands varies, which in this case are placed in supination. Your palms will face your body as you hold the handle. This exercise is usually done with a narrower grip width (shoulder width or even slightly less). The difference is that it works the thickness of the back more and, due to the position of the arms, it involves the biceps more.

Pulldown back exercise with supine grip

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

This is another of the  gym back exercises on the high pulley. You have to use the small triangular shaped handle. Most gyms have one. Grasp each end of the handle to start with your arms extended and pull the cable on the pulley until you bring the handle to your chest. You have to feel the contraction of the dorsal muscle well. This exercise works the thickness of the upper and middle back. It also involves the arms in a secondary way. It is a highly effective movement to have a hard and thick back.

Close-grip high pulley lat pulldown

Back Pulldown Narrow Grip

Pulldown behind the neck

The same handle is used here as in the wide-grip pulldown exercise. We will use a wide hand opening to grasp the handle. In this case, the handle will not go towards the chest, but behind the head. The execution is very simple:

Behind neck pulldown exercise for back

1. Adjust the bench and the roller and sit down : Hold the handle with a width greater than that of your shoulders and take a breath.

2. Pull : Use the strength of your lats to pull the pulley and bring the handle behind your head. How much you can go down will depend on your anatomy. Some people will be able to touch the trapezoids, while others will only be able to bring the handle up to the ears. Release the air at the lowest point of traction.

3. Extend arms : Bring the load back up by extending your arms and doing a controlled eccentric phase.

Not everyone can do this exercise (it is not essential). Some people have cervical problems. Don't do it if you feel uncomfortable. Work the width of the back.

T Bar Back Row

This movement is also known as the T row and is another favorite gym lats exercise to thicken the back. You can do this with a long bar and the narrow back pulldown handle. You'll either need a row rack to set the bar on, or you'll need to squash one end of the bar through several stacked weight plates.

T row, lat exercise in the gym

1. Starting position : We stand close to the load that we are going to lift. The load should be slightly in front of the shoulders. We slightly separate the feet. We are generally more comfortable if our feet are slightly outside the plates.

2. We grab the bar just below the plates and squat down . We start in a slouched position, as if we were in a semi-squat. The back must be in an inclined position, but we must keep it completely straight. The gaze should be forward. Arms should start fully extended. We grip the bar firmly. We are ready for the initial pull!

3. Time to start the repetition . Before, we must completely fill our lungs with air. We maintain the air throughout the concentric phase (when we push the load towards the body).

4. Now, we begin the exercise . We pull the load with an accelerating and explosive force, keeping the air in the lungs. We bring the load to the area where the lower chest meets the upper abdomen. Since our lungs were filled with air, we were able to cushion the impact of the charge. Our body acts as a "mattress". Once the discs have touched our body, we can completely release the air. During the concentric phase, it is important to keep our hands close to our body. This concentrates more work on the back.

5. Next we lower the load to the starting point . We will do it in a controlled way until we fully extend the arms again. These must be fully extended.

After each repetition, we have the option of dropping the load and picking it up off the ground again, or keeping it in the air the entire time. If we decide to touch the ground, it is better not to bounce the load.

It is important to keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back completely straight throughout the exercise. This will prevent injury.

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Try to someday lift your own body weight for 6-8 repetitions on this exercise. You will have reached a decent level of strength. This movement works the thickness of the back. Let's see the variants :

• One-Handed T-Bar Row : This is the same as the two-handed version. You don't need to attach a narrow pull-down handle to the bar.

One-Handed T-Bar Row Back Exercise

• T-bar row machine : In many gyms, you will find the special machine or bench to make this exercise much more comfortable. You can use the machines if you want. An advantage of some machines is that they usually have handles for various grips: wide, narrow, neutral... You can play with this. There is no problem in doing  back exercises with a machine as long as you have done the movements with a barbell (free weight) before.

T-bar row, back gym man

T Bar Rowing Machine

Seated Rowing Machine

Among the exercises for the back in the gym , this is well known and popular. It is also called Gironda rowing . To practice it, you need a low pulley machine in your gym. The most basic version of this back exercise is done with the narrow handle (you have to hook it onto the cable on the low pulley). Let's see the execution:

Seated rowing machine, gym back exercises

1. Position yourself correctly on the bench : The machine will have a padded bench in front of the low pulley, sit on the bench. In front of you, you will see two platforms to put your feet on. Put your feet there. Grasp the narrow handle with both hands. You can use the false grip if you apply more force this way. Move slightly away from the pulley when you are seated, so that your legs are semi-flexed, your arms are fully stretched horizontally, and your back is straight.

2. Pull the pulley . Take a breath and pull hard on the cable to bring the handle between the pectoral and the upper abdomen. Stick your arms to your sides during the movement. As soon as the handle touches your body, release all the air. In the final position of the concentric phase, you can bring your back back a little. Focus on squeezing the dorsal well.

3. Return the load . Extend your arms again in a controlled manner to bring the machine plates back up. Fully extend your arms before doing the next repetition.

The close-grip version of the exercise primarily works the thickness of the mid-back. However, you can also place the wide handle on the pulley, and even the wide and neutral handle. Also, you can grasp this handle with your hands supinated or pronated. Experiment with all types of handles and grips to create different back exercises in the gym .

• One-Hand Version : Attach the one-hand handle to the pulley to do the one-arm seated row at a time.

Dumbbell row

There are two versions of this exercise, with a bench or standing. We like the version with the flat weight bench. It is one of the few  back exercises in the gym with dumbbells . Also, it works the muscle unilaterally.

Dumbbell One-Hand Pendlay Row

How to do a dumbbell bench row:

1. Position yourself : Sit on a flat bench. Grab a heavy dumbbell. Place one knee on the bench with your leg bent. Use your free arm to support yourself on the bench. Extend the other leg off the bench and lower your back until it is parallel to the bench and the floor. Keep your eyes forward. The arm that holds the dumbbell will be suspended vertically.

2. Start of the pull : Take a breath and raise the dumbbell towards your torso. Do an explosive movement. Try to bring the elbow towards the hips. The pulling motion is not necessarily straight, but more diagonal (imagine bringing the dumbbell up toward your hips).

3. Lowering : Breathe out as soon as the dumbbell approaches your body and extend your arm with control. Feel how your dorsal is stretched.

You can do the repetitions with the dumbbell suspended in the air or by resting the dumbbell on the ground for a few seconds after each repetition. As you might guess, this dumbbell back exercise is for gaining thickness.

For the standing dumbbell row version , find something to support you, such as the back of a weight bench or a dumbbell stand. In this case, the back will not be so horizontal with respect to the ground, but rather inclined. The execution of the movement is the same: starting with your arm extended, try to bring the dumbbell towards your hip. This exercise can also be done with a kettlebell. Do you want to be strong? Try to lift a dumbbell that weighs at least half your body weight for about 6 repetitions.


There are more ways to work the lats with gym exercises . We present the pull-over , an exercise used by bodybuilders of all time that works the pectoral and dorsal muscles. You only need a flat bench and a heavy dumbbell to do it. This is one of the  back exercises to do in the gym at the end of the workout. The movement is very good to stretch the dorsal.

Dumbbell pull-over

How is the pullover done?

1. Position : Lie on your back on a flat weights bench and grasp a heavy dumbbell with both hands. Place your hands in a diamond shape, with the handle between your thumb and index finger, and press your hands against the dumbbell plates. Keep your feet in contact with the ground to ensure stability. Begin by holding the dumbbell with your arms up.

2. Execution of the movement : Fill your lungs with air, bend your arms a little and take them back until the dumbbell is behind your head. Feel good how your dorsal is stretched. 

3. End of the movement : Then, raise your arms back to the starting position (keep your arms slightly bent throughout the entire journey). At the end of the movement, the dumbbell should be above your chest. Contract your pectorals when you get to this point to engage your chest fibers as well. Expel the air.

This exercise works the thickness of the back and stretches the dorsal. It also strengthens the chest.

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Back exercises with machine in the gym

We have already seen before some  exercises for the back on the machine that you can do in a gym. For example, the high pulley pulldown , seated machine row , or T-bar rowing apparatus . There are some more devices that are used to train the back, although everything will depend on whether your gym has them. The following exercises are very good.

Back pulldown on convergent or lever machine

This is the classic "Hammer Strength" type machine with two levers. These machines work with weight plates, which you must place in each set. In this case, the apparatus simulates the movement of the pulley pulldown. However, you have the freedom to move each arm of the apparatus independently, allowing you to strengthen your lats in a unilateral way. 

We will not explain much in the execution of this exercise, since the movement is like the pulldown on a high pulley. Simply position the seat according to your measurement. Sit down and grab both handles. Take a breath and pull the levers of the machine until you lower your elbows as much as you can. Expel air from the lungs at the bottom of the movement. Then, extend your arms again in a controlled manner to complete the repetition. Work your lat width with this exercise.

You can move both arms at the same time or alternate them.

Lat pulldown on machine with plates

Converging Machine Seated Row

This is another excellent exercise. As you will notice, the back apparatus simulates the movement of the seated Gironda row. The machine will have two levers to pull and will be loaded with weight plates.

1. You will see a padded support to place your chest. Regulate it.

2. Sit down holding the handles with your arms outstretched.

3. Take a breath and pull the handles until you bring your elbows to your torso. Keep your arms close to your body. Release the air.

4. Return the load to the starting position by fully extending your arms.

Seated Rowing Machine with Plates

This back exercise in the gym works the thickness of the dorsal. Some seated row machines have handles with multiple grips (for example, neutral grip). Experiment! You can supinate your hands as well to vary your grip.

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Gym exercises for lats in the Multipower

The Multipower is the famous rail machine found in some gyms that allows you to train without a spotter. The machine is used more for pressing exercises or the squat. However, you can also do various  back exercises on the Multipower machine . We have already explained most of them.

- Deadlift

- Barbell row

- Shoulder shrugs

 One hand rowing in Multipower :

On the Smith or Multipower machine, you can do this exercise much like a one-arm dumbbell row. 

One-hand row on Multipower machine

1. Bend your legs, lean your back forward and grab the Multipower bar at arm's length.

2. Take a breath and pull the bar up to bring it to your torso.

3. Breathe out when the bar reaches your torso and extend your arm again in a controlled manner.

In this back exercise, you can also lean on a bench. Work the dorsal thickness.

Other back exercises in the gym

We already have all the back exercises for men in the gym ; they can also be used to set up a woman's routine. However, we want to end by showing you a few more. Although they are less important, they will also serve you in your routine!

Standing Lat Pushdown for back in gym 

To do this move, you need to go to a high pulley, but you don't need to use a weight bench. Hook a long handle onto the high pulley. 

Execution of the movement:

1. Arm stretch : Hold the handle at the width of your shoulders, bend your knees and lean your body slightly forward. Stretch your arms so that they are at the same level as your back. Back off the pulley a bit, enough so that you can stand at arms length.

2. Lower your arms : Take a breath and, keeping your arms straight, lower them until you reach your legs. Try to move the load feeling the work in the dorsal.

3. Raise your arms : As soon as the handle touches your legs, exhale. Now, in a controlled way, raise your arms again, feeling how your lats are stretched.

Pulley lat stretch

This exercise works the width of the upper back and stretches the fibers of your lats. Use with a light weight as a warm-up for a back workout. You can also use it at the end of the workout (as the last back exercise in the gym) to stretch.

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Inverted Row - Bodyweight Back Exercise

To do this bodyweight back exercise, you'll need a bar that's low enough that you can grab it with your arms extended and your feet touching the ground. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise, as it is quite hard to perform.

Inverted row, bodyweight back exercise

Rowing technique with body weight :

1. Look for a horizontal bar at a low height : It is best to place the bar of a Multipower machine at the desired height. You can also put a bar on the supports of a rack. 

2. Position your body : Hold onto the bar with your arms at shoulder width. Advance your legs and place your body in a straight line with your feet on the ground. Start with your arms fully extended.

3. Pull your body : Now, take a breath and bend your arms to bring your torso closer to the bar. Once your chest touches the bar, breathe out from your lungs.

4. Lower your body : Finally, extend your arms so that your body descends in a controlled manner.

You can use the pronated and supinated grip for this exercise. You can do this exercise by placing your feet on a weight bench. Get more breadth and thickness in your middle and upper back with this lat exercise . 

Trapezius shrugs

Although this is typically done to work the trapezius muscle, it is one of the best upper back exercises in the gym . 

Barbell Shrugs

1. Load a straight barbell with a heavy kiloage and grasp it while standing with your hands pronated.

2. Raise the load by shrugging your shoulders on each rep. Arms should remain straight and extended (don't move them).

3. Lower the load by bringing your shoulders down.

Breathe in when you're down and breathe out with each shoulder contraction. This exercise strengthens the upper back.

Other variants :

- Trapeze shrugs with the bar behind the back.

Behind-the-back barbell shrugs

- Trapeze shrugs on the Multipower machine.

- Shrugs with dumbbells.


This movement will remind you of the deadlift. It is another of the gym exercises for the middle and upper back . In this case, and contrary to what happens in the deadlift, the lower back is not involved because the bar takes off from a higher height.

It is worth mentioning that to do this exercise you will need some supports so that the bar is a little below your knees. Use a power or squat rack with safety racks.

Rack-Pull Exercise

1. To rack-pull, stand in front of the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart. Use a mixed grip so the bar doesn't slip out of your hands. 

2. Lean forward slightly, grasping the bar with straight arms. Take a breath and stand up straight as if you were doing a deadlift starting from a higher height. Breathe out when your body is up.

3. Lower the bar back down until it rests on top of the rack supports.

The rack-pull allows you to carry much more kilos than the deadlift, since the path is shorter!

Lower back exercises at the gym

The three main exercises for the lower back are as follows.


We have already explained this movement to you. One of the muscles that this exercise involves the most is the lumbar.

Bench hyperextensions

Find a hyperextension bench to work your lower back. Do the exercise as follows:

Lumbar hyperextensions, lower back exercise in the gym

1. Position yourself on the hyperextension bench. You will see a roller to attach your feet. Extend your torso in front of the platform and place it parallel to the ground. Put your hands crossed on the chest.

2. Take a breath and lower your straight torso as far as you can.

3. Bring the straight torso back up in a controlled manner until it is again parallel to the ground. Release the air at the end of the movement. Feel the lumbar work when you get to the top.

Good morning exercise with bar for back

This fantastic exercise works the posterior chain of your body like no other with a special emphasis on the lower back. To do this you need a squat or power rack to place the bar on.

1. Establish your posture and back : Put the bar on a squat rack. Grab the bar with the same distance that you would do a back squat. When you have the bar over your traps, take a couple of steps back. Separate your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly outward. Bend your knees a little.

2. Pull your buttocks back : Squeeze your shoulder blades and abs. Move your elbows in so that the bar is locked against your body. Pull your buttocks back so that your torso leans toward the ground. Don't stop pushing your buttocks back. Remember to keep a slight bend in the knees. Your chest should be almost parallel to the ground and you should feel your hamstrings contract. Don't let your knees bend too much.

3. Bring your buttocks forward : Keep your back rigid. Slowly push your hips forward. Keep moving your hips until you are back on your feet. Flex your glutes hard at the top. Do another rep.

At the top of the good morning , keep your glutes and back contracted. This exercise is excellent for the lower back.

We hope you have enjoyed this list of back exercises for the gym with names . Most of the equipment is available from commercial gyms. I'm sure you can do most of the moves on the list and put together a good routine. Now, we will go on to answer some questions.

Are you interested?:

Are these gym back exercises for women?

They can be done by a man or a woman indistinctly. They are effective exercises for all people.

Can I do back exercises at home?

Yes, you can do most of them (the most important ones). You can start with  back exercises in the gym with a barbell , such as deadlifts and rows. If you have a bar and some plates, you can easily do these moves at home. The next material that you can look for for your home is a pull-up bar. Some bars are easily attached to the door and others to the wall. If you are also looking for some dumbbells, you can perform the dumbbell row. Finally, you can buy a home station with a back pulley for the gym that allows you to do pull exercises.

Summary of the material to train your back at home :

• Barbell and plates.

• Bar for pull-ups.

• Adjustable dumbbells.

• A weight bench.

If you can, you can buy a station with a high pulley to do pulldowns.

Do these back exercises work for pain?

Stop doing the exercises as soon as you feel pain or discomfort and talk to a sports doctor for advice.

If you do not currently have any discomfort, you should know that, no matter how old you are, these  back exercises in the gym will help you to prevent the pain associated with the loss of bone and muscle mass that occurs with age. So, by doing them you will not only look better, but you will gain in health. 

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