What are the best  quadriceps exercises in the gym to get big and impressive thighs? At Depor Trainer , we want to explain the best quadriceps exercises. What can you do in the gym? Growing legs is hard! The legs are one of the largest muscle groups in our body and, furthermore, they are used to supporting all our weight while moving us everywhere. We use our legs every day to stand, to walk... They are already quite strong muscles. What does this mean? Your legs are used to supporting a heavy daily workload and, therefore, it will be a challenge for you to find a workout that really makes them grow. The quadriceps need a lot of stimulation to get stronger.

Many gym beginners forget to train  quadriceps and strengthen them . If this is your case, if you don't train your legs either, let us tell you something: you will gain much more muscle volume if you train your legs! For starters, the thighs and gluteus are one of the largest muscle groups. This means that if you work these muscles well, you can add a significant amount of lean mass to your body. In other words, your legs fit a lot of muscle. If you're a lean person looking to gain weight, there's nothing like adding 15 pounds of muscle mass to your legs. Also, did you know that leg exercises promote muscle growth throughout the body? Even in the torso! Exercises  for quadriceps usually require very heavy loads (the squat, the leg press...) that promote the natural release of hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. These hormones will cause you to gain muscle volume throughout your body in general. In addition, heavy movements such as the squat or lunge also involve the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms, or abdomen. If you want to gain volume , it is absurd not to train legs. However, you must follow a correct training routine with the right exercises.

The only quadriceps exercises you need in the gym

In our opinion, the kings of quad exercises are the squat and the leg press . Therefore, these will be explained first. However, there are other important movements that serve to finish off the workout and finish strengthening and pumping the muscle. With the following exercises, you don't need anything else in the gym to get stronger quads !

Back squat

Back squat

Squats are the most important quadriceps exercise in the gym . Everyone should do the squat as their first exercise. The benefits for gaining strength and muscle are innumerable. The squat is a compound movement that mobilizes a large number of muscles at the same time: the quadriceps, gluteus, calves, hips, abdomen, upper back, lower back, trapezius, arms, forearms, anterior deltoid...

The ideal is to do a deep squat , that is, lowering the hips and gluteus as much as possible until the hip is below the line of the knees. However, not all beginners are flexible enough to do a full squat. If this is your case, you will have to practice the movement. Buying squat shoes can be a good option to achieve good depth. Let's see how to do this exercise:

How to do a quad squat

1.  Starting position : We stand in front of the support or rack where the bar will be placed. The bar should be about shoulder height. We take the bar with our hands with a grip width with which we feel comfortable. Then we take a deep breath and climb under the bar with our lungs full. We keep our shoulder blades/shoulders together and continue to load the bar over the trapezius (or shoulder blades if we're using the low bar style). We grip the bar firmly with our hands before removing it from the rack.

There are two styles of the back squat:

- High bar squat : The bar is placed on the trapezius muscles. This style allows us to go down straighter and involves more strength from the quadriceps. Therefore, this is more recommended for hypertrophy.

- Low bar squat : The bar is placed on the shoulder blades. In this style, we'll lean more forward going down. This version of the squat engages the hips more. It allows us to lift more weight, but not everyone is comfortable with the bar on the shoulder blades.

High bar and low bar squat position

Try the style of squat that you are most comfortable with.

Before removing the bar from the rack, the feet must be properly positioned. We must not place one foot behind and the other in front , as this can cause unnecessary accidents. When pulling out the bar, both feet should be under the bar.

Safely remove the bar from the rack and take a few steps back. Let the air out. Place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly out. We look forward. We are already in the starting position.

2. We keep the shoulder blades close and together and the abdomen tense for maximum stability . We look forward and breathe again, filling our lungs completely. Press your feet into the ground and begin to descend, slowly flexing your quads and hips.

3. We descend in a controlled way . During the descent, we hold our breath and keep our gaze forward and fixed at the same point. Keep your back straight as you lower your body. We have to try to bring the buttocks towards the heels when we go down. This is the correct way to land. We descend until our hips are below the top of our knees. There we have reached the correct deep squat. From this moment on, the depth of the descent depends on the personal characteristics and flexibility of each individual.

By the way, when going down, it's best to turn your knees slightly out.

4. Ascent  Once the hips are below the knees, you will immediately begin an explosive ascent seeking quadriceps extension.

5. Lift the load keeping your eyes forward and fixed on one point . We continue to hold in the air. During the lift, keep your back as straight as possible and avoid leaning too far forward (although with very tall people, this is almost unavoidable). During the ascent, squeeze your abdomen hard. We finish the climb in the position we started, with the quadriceps fully extended.

Important: during the ascent, it is necessary to avoid that the knees close inwards. This can cause an imbalance and an accident if we lose stability.

6. Breathe out . Once the climb is over and with the quadriceps fully extended, we can exhale. Then we can come back up for air for another rep or, if we're ready, go to the rack and gently put the bar down. It is important that we do not leave the bar until we are sure that it is completely placed and on the support.

We've already done a full squat.

Here is a list of items for intermediate to advanced people that can help you squat heavier:

• Weightlifting shoes : These shoes have a wedge-shaped heel that allows you to gain more depth on the descent.

• Lifting belt : Protects the lower back and can help you lift a few more kilos in maximum efforts.

• Knee pads : Good fitted knee pads will help you move a little more weight in the squat.

How to be strong in the squat? Try to hit the following marks for 1 rep:

• Man :

- Beginner: 1.2 x body weight

- Intermediate: 1.5 x body weight

- Advanced: 2 x body weight

• Woman :

- Beginner: 0.8 x body weight

- Intermediate: 1 x body weight

- Advanced: 1.25 x body weight

Leg press

This is the second great exercise that we will always recommend for strengthening the quadriceps . The movement is done with a machine that you will surely find in all gyms. This exercise is an excellent builder of muscle mass in the quadriceps and, secondarily, in the buttocks. A good option is to place this movement after doing the squat, when our legs are already warm and we can move a large load.

How do you do the leg press?

Leg press to work the gluteus

1. Sit on the machine . Adjust the seat and place your back on the back and buttocks on the seat. Place your legs semi-flexed against the platform of the machine. There are several ways to position your feet, depending on which parts of the leg you want to work the most. Let's explain them:

• Very open feet on the upper part of the platform : This variant allows you to move a lot of weight on the machine. However, it is not the most recommended to strengthen the quadriceps, as there will be more work on the buttocks and hips.

• Feet to the width of the shoulders in the center of the platform : This is the basic form to hypertrophy the quadriceps and the recommended one for all beginners. You will not be able to move as much weight, but you will feel the effort in the thigh very well.

2. Remove the safety pin . For security, the load will be locked. You will see a lever or safety mechanism on the side of the machine to remove the safety locks. Before touching the lever, take a deep breath and push the platform up with your legs. Exhale the air. Now move the lever to release the charge.

3. Lower the weight . Hold on tight to the handles that the machine will have. Take a lot of air again and lower the load in a controlled way, bending your knees. How much you can go down will depend on each person's anatomy, but we recommend that you go as low as you can to achieve more quadriceps work (until your knees almost touch your chest). 

4. Push the load . When you are in the bottom position of the movement, push off the platform with your legs using an explosive movement. Don't fully extend your legs! Rather, leave the knees unlocked. Keep in mind that locking your knees could be dangerous and hurt you. Also, not locking the knees will keep constant tension on the quadriceps muscle. Breathe out at the end of the movement and breathe in again to do the next repetition.

Remember to re-engage the safety lever when you have finished all of your  quad press reps .

We recommend doing at least 3 sets of leg presses after squats. Do the necessary approach and warm-up series if you are going to use very high loads. As a curiosity, this is the gym exercise that allows you to move the most weight of all . How strong can you get in this exercise for quads and glutes ? 

•  Man :

- Beginner: 1.5 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 2.1 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 2.9 x body weight x 10 repetitions

•  Woman :

- Beginner: 0.9 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 1.6 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 2.5 x body weight x 10 repetitions

Single Leg Press : You can do the single leg press every time when you are more advanced.

Single Leg Leg Press

Quadriceps extension 

Also do this exercise after the squat. Never start your  quad workout with this exercise unless you are doing a few sets to warm up the muscles, as it is an analytical and less important exercise. However, after you've done the basic exercises, this movement can be interesting to achieve great exhaustion and congestion in the legs. It is an easy move to perform. You need the leg extension machine , which is in almost every gym. This machine can be powered by a block tower or by loading weight plates. The normal thing is that the machine has a tower of blocks, which is more comfortable to select the weight.

Quadriceps leg extension machine exercise

How to do  leg extension on machine :

1. Sit on the machine.  You have to regulate the seat and the roller. You should be able to sit comfortably with your knees outside the seat and your lower legs vertical to the ground. The roller should be on your shins. Perhaps the machine has a handle for the arms. Grab the handle.

2. Extend your legs.  Fill your lungs with air and go up the roller in an explosive way through an extension of the quadriceps. Breathe out when you extend your legs. You don't need to fully lock your knees to avoid hurting yourself.

*Note: Do not kick when raising your legs! You must move the weight with the strength of your quadriceps only.

3. Lower your legs.  Finally, lower the roller with your legs in a controlled manner. Don't let the blocks of the machine collide with each other to maintain tension.

The quadriceps extension is an exercise that usually works very well with high repetitions. Do about 3 series of 15 or 20 repetitions , for example, always after the squat and press work.

Also, this exercise can be done unilaterally. We mean doing it with one leg and then with the other.

Unilateral quadriceps extension on machine

Lunges to strengthen quadriceps

There are several ways to do lunges . For example, you can use a barbell on your back (you'll need a rack) or dumbbells. We personally recommend dumbbells for the comfort they offer. This exercise is a very natural movement for strengthening the vastus medialis . There are the following types of lunges:

Lunges, exercises for quadriceps and glutes in the gym

- Lunge with dumbbells with displacement: You have to grab a dumbbell in each hand and move through lunges through a course with several meters in length.

- Static lunge with dumbbells: It is like the previous exercise, but in this case you do not move from the site.

- Lunge with bar with displacement: You have to load a bar of weights on your trapezius muscles and move with lunges through a route with several meters in length.

- Static luge with bar: Same as above, but without moving from the site.

How to do lunges with dumbbells?

1. Starting position . Find a place to move and grab a dumbbell with each arm. Begin standing with your eyes forward.

2. Displacement . He takes a breath and takes a long step forward. As you take the step, bend the knee and lower the knee of the other leg to the ground. Keep your arms straight. Release the air and stand up again to take the next step.

3. Tour . Repeat the process and move several meters alternating each leg. About 10 or 12 steps per leg will suffice. 

You can do a round trip. You can use progressively heavier dumbbells to do this exercise as you get more advanced. This is one of the most advisable  exercises for quadriceps and glutes . It is perfect to finish a  quadriceps routine .

Reverse lunge

Unlike the previous one, this exercise can only be done statically. It's the same, but you have to take a step back. In this way, more emphasis is placed on the gluteus (although the quadriceps are also strengthened).

Reverse lunge to strengthen the quadriceps

Do the reverse lunge:

1. Starting position . Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand. Squeeze your buttocks and shoulder blades and keep your gaze neutral looking straight ahead.

2. Lunge . Although you can do reverse lunges with just your body weight, we recommend using equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells. To keep things simple, start with dumbbells, one in each hand at hip height.

Take a step back and slightly outward landing on your toes first. He tries to avoid hitting your knee on the ground. Keep your chest up by bending your knees and form a right angle with both feet. Take a breath before taking the step.

3 Get up off the ground . Step up with your front foot and lift your back foot forward to the starting position. Release the air. Keep your torso in a stable, upright position, and squeeze your abs for balance.

You can do 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions on each leg or work 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest for 5 minutes.

Hack Squat

There's nothing like the familiar "hack squat" machine for isolating the  quads in the gym . If this device is in your gym, do not hesitate to use it. There are several versions of this machine, which is typically loaded with weight plates. There is the inclined hack squat machine and the pendular one, although the operation is very similar.

Hack Squat, quadriceps exercises in the gym

Learn to squat Hack : 

1. Position yourself on the machine . When you use a leg press, you sit on a stationary seat and press your feet against a moving platform with your weight on top of you. However, to use a hack squat machine , you must stand on a fixed platform (with your back to the machine) with your shoulders under padded supports. You must lower your buttocks to the platform, just as if you were doing a traditional squat. Since the weight is distributed evenly across the shoulders, you will be able to carry quite a bit of weight in this exercise.

2. Opening of the feet . Stand on the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and resting on top of the platform. The shoulders and hips must be supported against the backrest and you must grasp the handles with your hands.

3. Descent . Begin with your legs extended. The machine will most likely have a mechanism or lever to release the load. Operate the lever before starting the movement. Inhale and bend your knees to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the platform or slightly lower. Always keep your shoulders and hips well pressed against the backrest.

4. Go up . Exhale and push through your legs to straighten up and come back to your feet.

The  "hack squat"  places the work mainly on the quadriceps, but also trains the glutes, hamstrings, abs and hips. We recommend  women's quadriceps exercises on the hack squat machine. You will feel your quads on fire.

What is a good standard of strength to aim for in this exercise? The following data is only indicative, since the effort that must be made on each machine to move the load may vary from one gym to another.

•  Man :

- Beginner: 0.75 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 1.4 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 2.1 x body weight x 10 repetitions

•  Woman :

- Beginner: 0.6 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 1.1 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 1.7 x body weight x 10 repetitions

Bulgarian squat

We continue with the  exercises to strengthen quadriceps . The next recommended movement is the Bulgarian squat, for which you will need a flat weight bench and other equipment. There are several ways to do this exercise:

- You can hold a pair of dumbbells with your arms to do Bulgarian squats.

- Another variant is to carry a barbell on the back (free weight). You will need the squat rack to grab the bar.

- The last variant, and the most recommended, is the Bulgarian squat in Multipower.

Bulgarian squat with Multipower machine

We will explain the Bulgarian squat with Multipower because it is the safest variant. The exercise is complex because you lean on only one leg, which can lead to fatal accidents if free weight is used. This exercise is perfect for the Multipower machine, where you can train in complete safety.

Learn how to do the Bulgarian Smith Machine Squat:

1. Take the position . Place a weight bench behind the bar of the Multipower machine, so that you can support the instep of one foot and keep one leg bent behind. Keep your torso upright with the machine bar resting on your traps. Grab the bar with both hands as if you were going to squat. The other leg should remain straight and somewhat forward of the bench.

2. Descent . Take a breath, contract the abdomen and flex the leg that is in front until it forms a 90º angle (or until the thigh is parallel to the ground). The leg behind will flex and the knee will drop towards the ground as well. Don't lean too far forward.

Keep the sole of your foot flat on the ground and apply force by pushing your foot against the ground.

3. Rise . Push hard with the heel to go back up, extending the leg to the starting position. Exhale the air.

So you will have completed one repetition. Do several repetitions on one leg. Then switch to the other leg and follow the exact same steps to do the reps. This is one of the best  exercises for the vastus medialis quadriceps.

Front squat

It is a complex exercise, although it is one of the best exercises for quadriceps gym . For many the front squat works the quadriceps even better than a conventional back squat. This is because the movement allows us to go down while being more upright and the load falls directly on the quadriceps. It is a movement widely used in weightlifting. In addition, the exercise serves to gain verticality in the conventional squat (some people lean their back too far forward, and the front squat is a good way to correct this).

Front squat, best exercises for the quadriceps

Do a front squat:

1. Starting position . You will need a rack or squat stand. There you will place a bar. The bar should be in front of your body and resting on your torso. There are two ways to do it.

•  With arms crossed : Approach the bar and rest it on the collarbones and the upper part of the shoulders. Cross both arms against your chest and press into the bar with your hands.

• Olympic style . In this case, you'll be holding the barbell as if you were at the beginning of a weightlifting clean and jerk. Place the bar resting on your collarbones and the part of your shoulders. Point your elbows forward and hold the bar with your fingers.

Try both styles and choose the version you are most comfortable with. If your collarbones hurt while holding the bar, you can use a squat pad. 

To catch the bar, both feet must be together under the bar. Never put one foot forward or leave it behind. When you've got the barbell securely on your clavicles, take a deep breath, confidently lift the bar out of the rack, and take a couple of steps back. Exhale the air. Keep your eyes forward.

2. Front squat . Feet should be shoulder-width apart and pointed slightly out. Fill your lungs well with air and contract your abs. You have to start descending keeping your back straight at all times and bringing your buttocks towards the heels. Lower down until your hips are below your knees. 

3. Rise . Press your heels hard against the ground and begin the ascent explosively. Go up straight and fully straighten your legs. Exhale the air at the end.

Although this is a great exercise, not everyone is comfortable doing front squats. If you find that this movement makes you uncomfortable or you find it very difficult to hold the bar, you can try other  quad exercises in the gym , such as the back squat.

Let's look at the strength standards achievable for an average person for a 1 repetition max:

•  Man :

- Beginner: 1 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 1.25 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 1.75 x body weight x 10 repetitions

•  Woman :

- Beginner: 0.75 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Intermediate: 1 x body weight x 10 repetitions

- Advanced: 1.25 x body weight x 10 repetitions

Multipower Squat

Professional bodybuilders and Men's Physique athletes use the Multipower squat because it is the best there is to work the quadriceps with exercises in the gym . For natural athletes, we will always recommend the free weight squat. However, the Multipower squat can be fine as a variant or secondary exercise to give a big pump to the muscle. You will achieve unparalleled isolation and pumping in your quadriceps.

Smith machine squats

There are a few differences in this exercise from the free weight squat:

1. Place yourself in the Smith machine . Position yourself as if you were doing a normal squat with the bar over your traps. Grab the bar with an arm spread that you feel comfortable with. In the Multipower, the position of the legs is slightly different from the normal squat. You will have to advance your legs a little with respect to the bar. Find your ideal position so that you can go down with your back straight and form a 90º angle with your legs (this is with your thighs parallel to the ground when you are down). Feet will be shoulder width apart and facing slightly outward.

2. Do the squat . Take a breath, keep your abs contracted, press your heels hard into the floor and lower yourself in a controlled manner until your legs form a 90º angle (or when your hipbone is below your knees).

3. Go up . Push yourself up to return to a standing position with your legs straight. Expel the air at the end of the movement.

This quadriceps exercise in the gym achieves greater isolation in the muscles. It may be okay to gain hypertrophy . 

• Variation with a flat bench: A variation consists of placing a flat bench under the buttocks and sitting at the bottom of the descent. You can pause the move for a second and come to a complete stop on the bench before coming back up. The isolation of the quadriceps that you will achieve with this variant will be total.

Goblet Squat

This is the most forgotten among the  exercises to strengthen quadriceps , but it is nonetheless interesting to include it. Also, it is very intuitive and easy to do. You need to simply grab a dumbbell, kettlebell, or plate; it can even be done with a pulley.

Goblet squat, exercise for quadriceps at home

How to do a Goblet Squat:

1. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands . Your thumbs should be close to the top of your chest. This is the correct grip.

2. You have to be straight . Also, you should bring your shoulders down and contract your abs.

3. Do a squat . The next step is to take a breath, hold it and lower your legs to do a normal squat until your thighs break the parallel line with respect to the ground.

4. Stand up . Extend your legs again to stand up and exhale at the end of the movement. 

If you can, try to keep your elbows tucked in at your sides. You can do several sets of 15 repetitions of this exercise to finish off your quad workout at the gym . If you're looking for  easy dumbbell quad exercises you can do at home, the Goblet squat is one of the best.

How to train quadriceps at home 

In addition to some movements that we have seen, such as the Goblet squat or the Bulgarian squat , there are a few other exercises for quads at home . Learn exercises to strengthen the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis thigh. Write down three more moves for your  quad workout at home . We recommend you have the following material at home:

• A domestic weight bench.

• Some dumbbells or kettlebells of different weights.

• Some elastic training bands with different levels of hardness.

Pistol squat for your home quad workout

This is a bodyweight quadriceps exercise widely used in calisthenics. The movement is also known as a single leg squat. It is very complicated and requires a great control of the technique. 

You can start learning the move by leaning both arms against a wall until you can do it without support. It's amazing how this exercise can  strengthen the vastus medialis .

Pistol squat, calisthenics exercise

How to do pistol squat?

1. Starting position . Stand tall with your hands together and your arms forward for balance.

2. Pistol squat . Take a breath. Bring one leg forward and bend the knee, so that the leg remains in the air. Lean your body forward and bring your buttocks back to lower yourself in a controlled manner. As you come down and your thighs are parallel to the ground, kick forward with your airborne leg. You should be left with one leg sitting on the ground and the other leg slightly bent in the air. 

3. Straighten up . The most difficult is already done. Now, all you have to do is push yourself up with your leg resting on the ground and exhale at the end of the movement.

In the video below, you can see how it is done. In addition, they show you a trick to learn. You can start by standing on several stacked weight plates.

You can learn this exercise to do at home. Ballast your body with a weighted backpack when you master it and are more expert.

Dumbbell Squats

It is a very simple exercise with great benefits for your  quadriceps routine at home . You can also do it in the gym as a secondary move during your  quad workout . You only need two dumbbells with enough weight.

How to do dumbbell squats

Do dumbbell squats:

1. Starting position . Stand up with your arms extended grasping a dumbbell in each arm. Your feet will be shoulder width apart.

2. Squat . Take a breath and, keeping your arms straight, bend your knees and lower your buttocks as far as you can. Ideally, lower yourself at least until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

3. Go up . Push your heels hard into the ground and come back up until you stand upright. Exhale the air at the end of the movement.

Do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions of dumbbell squats.

Quadriceps extension with elastic band

If you can't do leg extension on a machine , here's a variation that simulates the movement of the exercise. You will require a very simple material: an elastic fitness band that you can find in any sports store.

Leg extension with fitness elastic band

Quadriceps extension with elastic band:

1. Use the rubber band . Find a way to fit the rubber band around the bench. Place the elastic around the shins of your legs. There must be some tension. Roll the rubber several times if necessary.

2. Make the extension . Hold on tight to the bench, take a deep breath and extend your quadriceps as if you were doing a machine leg extension.

3. Go down . When your legs are parallel to the ground, exhale, then controllably bend your knees to lower yourself.

You can use rubber bands with different resistances to complicate this exercise. You can also do the movement with only one leg.

Basic Quad Stretch

Before doing your  quadriceps exercises in the gym , you can stretch the muscle. It is possible to increase muscle strength a little thanks to the  stretch for quadriceps , in addition to preventing possible injuries. You can also stretch the muscle fibers at the end of your workout.

Quadriceps Stretch

There are many ways to stretch the quadriceps. Here we are only going to look at the basic stretch.

1. Stand on your left leg with both knees touching. You can support yourself with one hand on the wall or an object to gain stability.

2. Grab your right foot with the other hand and pull the foot up to bring it to the buttock. Be sure to press your chest and hips forward. You also don't need to try to touch your back with your foot. Simply feel the stretch in the quadriceps by pulling your hips forward.

3. Hold the stretch position for 20-30 seconds. Then do it with the other leg. Alternate between your left and right leg.

Know the muscles of the quadriceps

Quadriceps muscles

The main purpose of the quadriceps is to help you straighten your knees. But they also do the following:

- They cushion the force when the heel strikes the ground.
- They flex your hips.
- Help you maintain proper posture and balance.
- Move and stabilize the patella (knee).
- They regulate the way of walking.

The quadriceps muscles are located in the front of the thigh, above the knee and below the hip. The quadriceps tendons attach them to the hips, hip bones, thigh bones (femurs), and knees.

How are the quadriceps muscles formed?

The five muscles of the quadriceps are as follows:

• Rectus femoris : This muscle has two heads that originate from the hip bone and pelvis. It extends to the kneecap. It is the only quadriceps muscle that covers the hip and knee.

Vastus intermedius : This muscle is located in the middle of the thigh, below the rectus femoris. Like the other quadriceps muscles, its main purpose is to lengthen the knee.

• Tensor intermedius : The most recently discovered quadriceps muscle is an oblique muscle located between the vastus lateralis and the vastus intermedius. Researchers are still studying its function.

•  Vastus lateralis : This muscle connects the femur and the knee bone. It expands along the outer surface of the thigh. It is the largest and strongest of the five quadriceps muscles.

• Vastus medialis : This muscle also connects the femur and the patella. It runs along the inside of the thigh. It is the smallest of the four muscles.

The ends of the five muscles are fused into a single tendon, the quadriceps femoris tendon. This tendon attaches them to the knee.

The quadriceps muscles contain many small, flexible muscle fibers. These fibers help muscles contract or strengthen. The fibers are red and white, and these give the muscles a striped appearance.

Other good exercises for the quadriceps that are not on this list:

• Hip-Thrust.

• Sumo deadlift.

• Bulgarian squat with dumbbells.

Learn how to do these leg exercises in this article .

• Conventional deadlift.

Learn all about the conventional deadlift in this article .

Here you have a good variety with the best  quadriceps exercises in the gym . Create your own quadriceps routine in the gym or to train at home. As we have seen, you can work the quadriceps with dumbbells, with a bar, elastic bands or do exercises with a seated quadriceps machine. Don't forget to never include squat and press at the beginning. You can choose the other movements according to your tastes.

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